When Camgirls on Skype Aren’t on Cam

camgirls on skype posing while smoking

Holy fuck I have to send out a HUGE thank you to all of you who have been so incredibly patient, way too fucking patient with me this past week. I mean, the whole point of camgirls on skype is that we’re actually available when YOU want to cam, so I can’ thank you enough for working around my frenetic schedule right now. No lie, it feel amazing that y’all are actually waiting for me to get home from my endless vet visits, check-ups of the human variety and general bullshit endless errands that accompany such a big move to cam with me, instead of moving on to one of the other countless hot and wicked camgirls on skype that don’t have such an insane schedule right now. In short, thank you. I promise once my toes are in the sand things will calm down and I actually will be around as I should be to fuck you senseless-or to make you beg on your knees for the orgasms I control. 🙂

As far as the move, I am days away from paradise. I’m gonna spend a few days in the wilderness with my parents to say my final good-byes and get copious mom and dad hugs before I leave this country for good, but in the meantime I’m actually enjoying my final trips around the city as I run my moving errands. I was born here, I grew up here, I’ve lived my entire life here. I’ve been planning this move for years so I’m ready to say goodbye but at the same time I’m enjoying walking the streets that hold so many memories, taking it all in for one last time before I leave for good. I’m not sad to leave Canada, but I am enjoying my personal goodbye to the city if that makes any sense.

I Will Return to Being One of the Camgirls On Skype Who Actually Logs In

I find it funny that I’m usually the first to decry independent camgirls on skype who never actually log in, and now I find I’ve become one of them. Not for long though. As of next week I will be back though, this tumultuous move behind me and ready to get off with you (and have you beg to get off for me) in paradise. I will actually be online, I will actually be available for skype calls. Once again I can’t thank you enough for all of your patience these past couple of weeks. I don’t take it lightly that you actually wait to see me, particularly considering that I’m hardly the be all and end all of independent camgirls on skype who knows how to drive men wild. Y’all rock, full stop.

Operation Sunshine is almost complete. Although I’ve had a ton of fun getting nekkid with you amidst the chaos of piled up boxes that is my home in T.O. I can’t wait to cam with you from my new beach-front home in my wholly inappropriate bikinis. 😀

Peace and Love,
