Skype Sex vs Sky Porn: a Camgirl’s Dilemma

quinn69 during a skype sex call in pink lingerie

Trade-Offs When Living in Paradise

The one question I’ve been hearing a lot lately from my skype sex playmates (as well as my adored subs) up in the Northern climes is ‘don’t you miss the trees changing color at this time of year?’. In a word: hell no (ok, I guess that’s two) :D. While I did miss seeing my parents and aunts and my best friend A for our version of Thanksgiving this year (we don’t do turkey, or celebrating genocide), to be honest that’s pretty much all I miss. Besides, check out the pic I snapped from my balcony on Turkey-day down here in paradise; who in their sane mind would prefer some red and orange leaves to this:


I also FINALLY took a few pics down at the beach in front of my place. I never bring my laptop down there or carry my phone but I ended up with my guy’s ipad in my knapsack on my way home from a holiday session (we had a 3-day weekend down here as well, just for a different holiday). Walking down the beach towards home the sunset was incredible so I stopped and grabbed some shots as the sun set. 

beach 1framed

beach 2framed

beach 3framed

When I’m not available for skype sex shows THIS^^^^^ is all why. Between the beach, the green trees and the sky sometimes I can’t bear to be indoors. No matter how much I love my job I don’t feel the slightest bit uncomfortable taking breaks anymore. While I adore y’all (and in a lot of ways some of y’all are as close as family to me) sometimes a camgirl just needs to be out playing in the sun. Truth is I spend a ton of time here staring at the sky, I call it my sky porn and I can’t get enough. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating: the beauty of this place astounds me on a daily basis.

In other news, as of this writing I’ve gone 28 hours without a cigarette, and shockingly I’m not jonesing in the slightest. On a whim I picked up an e-cig cuz I was curious about the taste of blueberry-flavored vapor, and it is insane how it’s killing my cravings for the ‘real’ thing. I think I’m finally gonna quit, but at the same time I hate to admit that cuz I truly love smoking (I do, I wish I hated it and only smoked to sate addiction-then it would be so much easier to give it up). It also sucks because smoking goes SO fucking well with skype sex, or sex of any kind, or anything of any kind… Still, my life rocks and I’d like to be around for it as long as possible so Imma make the grown-up choice for once and like Renton suck it up and ‘choose life’. 😀

Snapshot 6 (10-6-2014 11-45 AM)wmborder

Hope everyone had a wicked holiday <3 

Peace and Love,
