Info for Skype Cam Girls

Info For Independent Skype Cam Girls

(This page is for independent skype cam girls, so sorry guys, no sexy webcam pics here) 🙂

If you’re a skype cam girl doing webcam shows on skype and yahoo, there are a few issues you need to keep in mind. I wish I didn’t have to write a post like this, but I’ve been an independent cam girl for several years now, and while I’ve had some amazing experiences with people in this industry, I’ve also encountered the sort of unethical behaviour from which we all need to keep ourselves protected. As much as possible, at least. 🙂

Payment Processing For Skype Cam Girls

For skype cam girls researching payment processing options it’s important to first swallow the fact that as adult merchants we’re considered to be ‘high risk’ by the credit card companies. This is total bullshit of course but c’est la vie. As a result of our ‘high risk’ status processing is more expensive than mainstream and generally comes with a 15% processing fee (meaning an 85% payout for you) and an annual $1000 charge to use Visa and Mastercard. The top three IPSPs (internet payment service providers) are CCBill, Epoch and Verotel and all use the same fee structure

For skype cam girls who don’t wish to spend $1000 upfront just for the pleasure of processing credit cards I’ve created a site for camgirls that offers an 85% payout without the annual fees at Payouts are weekly with a one week hold and a minimum payout threshold of $20

Skype Cam Girl Ethics

Wanted to mention I wrote this years before I created lcms, so not being self-serving here =)

On another note regarding ethics in camming, if you choose to place a profile on an independent skype cam girl listing site, please do not steal traffic. It’s harmful to your camgirl peers who share those listings, it’s an unethical way to treat the great owners that work with us in this business and it’s unprofessional. Yes, listing sites take a small cut of your earnings, but they earn that in return for bringing you paying traffic. Paying traffic is one of the most valuable commodities out there. If it wasn’t, independent cam girl listing sites wouldn’t exist. Stealing traffic from the handful of really great sites out there harms the owners who add tremendous value to our work as skype cam girls, and it harms every independent cam girl who shares your listing sites.

Independent Skype Cam Girls: Do NOT Use Paypal

Lastly, and I’m sure you’ve heard this before 🙂 Avoid paypal and get yourself some reliable payment processing, either through an independent cam girl listing site or on your own. Payhell makes it ridiculously easy for pseudo-customers to chargeback the skype and yahoo cam shows you perform, and if you choose to use paypal it’s only a matter of time before your account gets frozen and shut down. Same goes for Google Wallet, Circle Pay, pretty much every low cost processing option you can name is vigorously adult-unfriendly, and most offer no protection against client refunds and chargebacks I’ve seen it happen to dozens and dozens of skype cam girls throughout the years, so just save yourself the grief and don’t go there. Part of being an independent cam girl is treating your business like…well, a business 🙂 and finding reliable and sustainable ways to accept customer bookings for skype and yahoo cam shows is a huge part of that.

I guess the main thrust of this post can be summed up in three concepts. Be professional,  be ethical and always protect yourself. Approach your business like a business, treat people the way you wish to be treated and always keep in mind that no one will ever care as much about protecting your  earnings as you do. There are some amazing sites out there, but there are also thieves masquerading as site owners, so you gotta make sure you make decisons that protect you and your money.

On a final note, if you’re a cam girl and you don’t recognize what I mean by the letters ‘s w’, drop me a message on skype or yahoo through your independent camgirl site or profile listing and I’ll send you a link to an amazing resource community

Happy camming y’all 🙂

skype camgirl catpaw

 (ok, here’s one pic for the guys who for some unfathomable reason read this far) 🙂

sexy skype cam girls on webcam


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